Tuesday, August 29, 2017

NEW! - Lesson 8: How to Blur a Face in Pixlr

Getting Started

1) Open Pixlr Advanced
2) Open an image that you want to blur a part of it from your computer or an URL,

How to Blur the Face

1) Select the part that you want to blur with Lasso Tool (L) or Marquee Tool (M)
 2) Go to Filter Menu on the black stripe, then click to Box Blur
 3) Select the blur amount in the menu which came out. (In my image it is 10)
4) Click to Deselect All (Ctrl + D) in the Edit Menu 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

NEW! - Lesson 7: How to fix the parts that you don't want in your picture (Nevus, Freckle, Beard, Burn etc.)

Getting Started

1) Open Pixlr Express
2) Open an image that you want to fix a part of it. I am going to fix a nevus which is quite simple. URL:

Overlap the Nevus

1) Go to the Adjustment Menu which is the first square on the line.

2) Then Click on Touch Up 
3) Spots will be selected in the Touch Up Menu, Do not chance it. You can set the brush size according to your image size.

4) Go over the parts that you want to fix.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

New! - Lesson 6 ( How to Desaturate (Black and White) a Picture while an Object is still Colorful )

Lesson 6: How to Desaturate (Black and White) a Picture while an Object is still Colorful


Getting Started

1) Open Pixlr Advanced
2) Browse the image that you want to desaturated from you computer or an URL:

Desaturation of an object

Surround the Part that you Want to Keep Colorful

This is an optional part because you do not want to keep a colorful part in you image, it is quite cool effect. You apply it on daily photos too. For example, cell phones and bags are very popular items for this technique. 
1) Click on the Lasso Tool (L) icon on the tool bar.
2) Press Ctrl + A to select all the image.

Image Select Ctrl A
3) Use the Lasso tool (L) to surround the part/object that you want to keep colorful. There are 2 types of Lasso Tool (L) that you can find in the gray stripe on the top of website; Freehand Lasso Tool and Polygonal Lasso Tool. I am going to use the Polygonal Lasso Tool, because it is more accurate than Freehand Lasso Tool. You can zoom in the object while using the Lasso Tool. Lastly, because you selected the whole image, you must use the CTRL button while using the Lasso Tool (L).

Polygonal and Free hand

Desaturate the Image and Missing Parts

1) Go to the Adjustment Menu in the black stripe and click to Desaturate.

Lasso Tool
2) There will be not desaturated parts like the leaf and finger. You have use the Lasso Tool (L) again to select the fingers and leaf. There is no need to select all the image right now, so that must use Shift button while selecting more than one item. 

Pixlr Polygonal

3) After Choosing the undesaturated parts in the image by Lasso Tool (L), go to the Adjustment Menu and Click to Desaturate Button.

Pixlr Adjustment menu
4) Lastly, to get rid of the lines in the image, go to the Edit Menu and Click to Deselect All (Ctrl + D)